“Control what you can control.” – Epictetus

Welcome to Our Monthly Newsletter

Daniel Dias with Small Business Lending Source. He resides in San Diego, California.

Hello Valued Readers,

As we kick off this month, we find ourselves facing ever-changing market dynamics, uncertainties, and the constant pressure to adapt. While these elements can make the business world feel like a turbulent sea, it’s important to remember: We can’t control the waves, but we can learn to navigate through them.

That’s why this month, we turn to the wisdom of Stoicism to guide us. Stoic philosopher Epictetus once said, “Control what you can control.” In a business context, this couldn’t be more relevant. We can’t dictate market behavior, nor can we control our competitors’ moves, but what we do have a say in is our reaction, our strategies, and our corporate culture.

Focus on What You Can Control:

  1. Strategies: If market trends are not in your favor, pivot. A well-timed pivot can turn a potential downfall into a new opportunity.
  2. Attitude: A problem-solving attitude can make a world of difference. Instilling this mindset into your team can be the key to unlocking innovation.
  3. Corporate Culture: A healthy work environment promotes productivity and loyalty, elements crucial to long-term success.

Adapt and Overcome:

When you focus on these controllable aspects, you’ll find that the uncontrollable ones have far less impact on your outcomes. You’re more agile, more prepared, and certainly more resilient.

As always, we’re here to support you. If you have questions or need further insights, don’t hesitate to reach out.

To control, adapt, and thrive — that’s the Stoic way of doing business, and it’s a mindset we fully embrace.

Best wishes for a productive month ahead!

Daniel Dias

Why are 5-Star Reviews Crucial?

In today’s digital age, online reviews serve as a powerful form of word-of-mouth marketing. Achieving consistently high ratings can drive customer trust and influence purchasing decisions. So, how can you make sure your business gets those glowing 5-star reviews?

Stellar Customer Service

The foundation of great reviews is exceptional customer service. Ensure your team is well-trained in being prompt, polite, and knowledgeable. Meeting, and exceeding, customer expectations should be your top priority.

Focus on Quality

Consumers today are savvy—they know when they’re getting a good deal, and they’re willing to pay a little extra for quality. Always prioritize offering an exceptional product or service, and your customers will thank you in reviews.

Be Prompt in Addressing Issues

Even the best of us make mistakes, but it’s the resolution that customers remember. If an issue arises, handle it promptly and professionally. A negative experience turned positive can often lead to some of the best reviews.

Asking for Reviews

A little nudge can go a long way. Encourage your customers to share their experiences online by asking for reviews. Whether it’s a follow-up email or a polite request at checkout, make it easy for them to leave their feedback.

Monitor and Engage with Your Reviews

Keep a close eye on what people are saying about your business and make sure to engage with them by responding to both positive and negative reviews. This not only showcases excellent customer service but can also help prevent small issues from becoming bigger problems.

Go the Extra Mile

Little extras can leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s a free sample or a handwritten thank-you note, small gestures can go a long way in making your customers feel valued and appreciated.

Wrap Up

Securing those 5-star reviews isn’t rocket science, but it does require an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Employ these tips in your strategy, and you’ll not only see a spike in your ratings but likely in your business growth as well.

Video is Taking Over Social Media Platforms

Video is Taking Over Social Media Platforms

A recent study by theEword shows some staggering numbers:

  • 📈 On Facebook, videos have up to 135% more organic reach compared to photos.
  • 🐦 Twitter sees videos being retweeted six times more than photos.
  • 📊 75% of executives on LinkedIn watch world-related videos daily.

Instagram is Paving the Way for Vertical Videos

The platform has recently switched to a vertical content feed that gives full-screen view priority. This move encourages the creation and sharing of vertical video content, giving you another reason to consider changing your video formats.

TikTok’s SEO Game

TikTok is increasingly focusing on SEO. Hashtags and topics are now crucial for discoverability, playing a larger role in gaining views. This is a big shift, signaling the growing importance of search-friendly video content.

Length Matters

When it comes to video length, your follower count could determine the ideal duration. For accounts with:

  • Under 500K followers: Keep your content between 9-15 seconds or 18-25 seconds.
  • Over 500K followers: Aim for 40-60 seconds and don’t forget to include a call-to-action.


  1. Embrace Video: The stats don’t lie. Video content gains significantly more engagement across major social platforms.
  2. Consider Format: Vertical videos are becoming the norm on platforms like Instagram.
  3. Be SEO-Friendly: Utilize hashtags and topics, especially on platforms like TikTok that are putting more emphasis on searchability.
  4. Optimize Length: Tailor your video duration based on your follower count for maximum engagement.

Often, “business” and “corporate” are used interchangeably when it comes to funding, even though there are significant differences between the two. The chart to the right can help you decide which type of funding is best for your business.

Is your business evolving? Is the name you started with not quite cutting it anymore? Changing your business name is a big step and requires careful planning. Today, we’ll delve into the hows and whys of this important shift, covering costs, paperwork, and other essentials.

Why Change Your Business Name?

Why Change Your Business Name?

  1. Broadening Scope: If you started selling shoes and now offer clothing too, a name like “The Shoe Store” won’t be apt.
  2. Clarity and Memorability: If your name is too generic or hard to remember, a change could make you more memorable.
  3. Trademark Issues: You might need to avoid legal issues if your name is too similar to an existing brand.
  4. Reputation Management: A previous scandal might require a fresh start.
  5. Rebranding: A name change could be part of a broader brand makeover.

Step-By-Step Guide to Changing Your Business Name

Step 1: Choose the Perfect Name

  • Use name generators, customer polls, or internal brainstorming to get the right name.

Step 2: Conduct Research

  • Check with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and your state’s Secretary of State to ensure the name is available.
  • Make sure you can get the domain name or something similar.

Step 3: Know the Costs

  • Notifying authorities, updating licenses, changing marketing materials, and more will incur costs. Plan for them.

Step 4: Official Notifications

  • Inform your Secretary of State, IRS, banks, vendors, and customers about the change.

Step 5: Update All Business Documents

  • This includes licenses, business permits, contracts, and other legal documents.

Step 6: Public Announcements

  • Use local press, emails, and social media to let everyone know.

Step 7: Check If a New DBA is Required

  • A new “Doing Business As” might be necessary depending on your local laws.

Changing a business name is not a walk in the park, but with a structured approach, it’s completely manageable. Stick to our step-by-step guide, and you’ll navigate this transition smoothly.

Actionable Steps to Ramp Up Your 2023 Holiday Sales – Start Now!

Actionable Steps to Ramp Up Your 2023 Holiday Sales – Start Now!

Believe it or not, the holiday season is just around the corner. If you haven’t begun planning your holiday sales strategies, now is the time to start. Here are six actionable steps you can implement today to ensure a successful holiday sales season for 2023.

1. Analyze Past Data for Insights 📊

Start by diving deep into your last year’s holiday sales data. This will help you identify what worked and what didn’t, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for this year’s strategies.

2. Create Special Holiday Offers 🎁

Everyone loves a good deal, especially during the holidays. Create special holiday offers, bundle deals, or time-limited discounts to entice customers to shop from you.

3. Optimize Your Online Presence 🌐

As the holiday season approaches, more consumers will shop online. Make sure your website is mobile-responsive, easy to navigate, and that you’re active on social media platforms relevant to your audience.

4. Build Up Your Inventory 📦

Nothing disappoints a customer more than seeing their desired product is out of stock. Take time now to build up your inventory based on last year’s sales and predicted trends for 2021.

5. Plan Marketing Campaigns in Advance 📆

From email marketing to social media posts, planning your marketing campaigns in advance will help you execute them seamlessly. Create a content calendar and stick to it!

6. Train Your Staff 🛠️

Whether it’s customer service, sales, or logistics, make sure your team is prepared to handle the holiday rush. Consider conducting training sessions focused on improving customer interactions and operational efficiencies.

These are just a starting point, but implementing these steps now can set the stage for a successful holiday sales season. Don’t wait; the holiday season will be here before you know it!

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Perfect Google Ad Size for Your Campaigns

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Perfect Google Ad Size for Your Campaigns

If you’re considering advertising on Google, one crucial factor you must weigh is the ad size. Choosing the right ad size can be the difference between an ad that rakes in conversions and one that merely drains your budget. In this guide, we’re diving deep into how to pick the perfect Google Ad size for your campaigns.

Why Ad Size Matters 🎯

Firstly, the size of your ad plays a crucial role in its visibility and effectiveness. An appropriately sized ad will catch the user’s eye without being obnoxious, maximizing your chances for click-through and conversion.

Google Ad Sizes: The Basics 📏

Google offers a range of ad sizes, but some of the most commonly used are:

  • Leaderboard (728 x 90): Ideal for the top of a webpage.
  • Medium Rectangle (300 x 250): Flexible enough to fit in the sidebar or within the content.
  • Large Rectangle (336 x 280): Bigger than the medium rectangle, it stands out more but may be less versatile.
  • Wide Skyscraper (160 x 600): Suitable for a sidebar and offers plenty of space for content.
  • Half-Page or Large Skyscraper (300 x 600): A large format that stands out but also takes up more screen real estate.
  • Mobile Leaderboard (320 x 50): Optimized for mobile views.

Things to Consider 🤔

Know Your Audience

Different ad sizes can target various user behaviors and devices. For example, Mobile Leaderboards are explicitly designed for mobile users.


Consider where the ad will appear on the webpage. Leaderboards are often more effective at the top of a page, whereas rectangles and skyscrapers might work better in the content or sidebar.


The ad size also dictates how much content you can incorporate, including text, images, and CTA buttons. Make sure you choose a size that aligns with your content strategy.

Testing and Analysis 📈

Always remember that it’s essential to A/B test different ad sizes to find out what’s working best for your particular campaign.

Choosing the correct ad size is a critical first step in optimizing your Google Ad campaigns for success. We hope this guide makes that decision a little easier for you.

11 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Find Anyone’s Business Email Address

]n today’s digital world, email is often the preferred means of professional communication. Whether you’re looking to collaborate, sell, or seek mentorship, finding the right email address is the first critical step. In this newsletter, we offer 11 simple yet effective ways to find anyone’s business email address.

1️⃣ LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a goldmine when it comes to professional contacts. Many professionals list their email addresses directly on their profile. If it’s not there, you might still get lucky and find their email in a shared post or article.

2️⃣ Company Website

Most companies have a ‘Contact Us’ or ‘About Us’ page that often includes email addresses of key personnel.

3️⃣ Use Email Finding Tools

Services like Hunter.io, Voila Norbert, or Clearbit can find email addresses associated with a particular domain. Just input the domain name and let the tool do the rest.

4️⃣ Social Media Snooping

Some people list their email addresses on social media profiles. It might be worth checking Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

5️⃣ Network Within Industry Groups

Join industry-related groups on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, where members often share their contact information for networking purposes.

6️⃣ WHOIS Database

For smaller businesses and personal websites, the WHOIS database can provide the email address used to register the domain.

7️⃣ Check Online Publications

If the person has written articles or blog posts, their email address is often listed in the author bio.

8️⃣ Alumni Directories

If you both attended the same school or university, alumni directories could be a valuable resource.

9️⃣ Use Guesswork

Sometimes, guessing works. Many companies use a uniform email structure like firstname.lastname@company.com. You can test your guess by sending a polite introductory email.

🔟 Reach Out on Social Media

If you can’t find an email address, a polite DM asking for it is generally acceptable if framed within a professional context.

1️⃣1️⃣ Check Previous Correspondence

If you’ve ever received an email from anyone within the company before, you might find clues or even the exact address you’re looking for within those email threads.

Finding someone’s business email address can often feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. But with these 11 tips, you’re well on your way to connecting with the people who matter most to your business.

Line Of Credit

Small Business Lending Source’s line of credit offers key advantages for busy entrepreneurs:

  1. Quick Access: Get funds often within a day.
  2. Flexibility: Use the funds for various business needs, from inventory to cash flow.
  3. Revolving Credit: Repay and re-borrow without a new application.
  4. Competitive Rates: Attractive interest rates for qualified businesses.
  5. Transparency: Upfront fees and an easy-to-use online portal for account management.

A Small Business Lending Source line of credit can be an effective and flexible tool for your financial needs.

Click here to apply!

About the Author: Daniel Dias is a Business Lending Specialist who assists small business owners in obtaining the capital they need to start, expand, or maintain their businesses. Daniel understands the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and offers a variety of programs with flexible guidelines to help overcome common obstacles such as credit scores, credit history, time in business, financial documentation, and industry type. His expertise enables business owners to secure the necessary funding to achieve their goals and succeed in the marketplace.

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